Victor Demétrio

Hello everyone! For those of you that I haven’t met yet, I’m a Product Designer and entrepreneur focused on building beautiful digital products. I was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro. For the past several years, I’ve been doing what I love the most - I enjoy seeing how people think and interact, I love to make their jobs easier. This is what I do every day now.

Product Lead

Na prática

O Stripe está com tudo: com Slack, Typeform, Mailchimp e mais

Se você usa o Stripe como meio de pagamento, fez uma boa escolha. Agora, imagine integrar o Stripe com Slack, Typeform, Mailchimp e muitos(…)
Para integrar Google Forms e Discord basta: 1. Fazer na Pluga e clicar em “Criar automatização”; 2. Selecionar Google Forms e o gatilh… […]